Thanks to thecynicalmermaid for reminding me the override issue. I completely forgot that I’ve used the work of David Montenegro as the base (to make sure the store content works, the mesh was modified from EA original though.) I have fixed the problem, testing both versions in game and updated the link below. The new file won't override David's anymore. Please download the new zip or just replace with the fixed one HERE.
感謝thecynicalmermaid的提醒,我才想起來當時我有用 David Montenegro的作品當底,以確保EA商店物件可以正常使用,(不過模組是用EA原作改的),我已經修正這個問題,也在遊戲裡測試過了,應該不會再和 David的作品衝突,底下的載點已經更新為修正後的檔案,請下載新檔或是直接替換這裡的單檔,謝謝!